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How to activate notifications of posts on Instagram

Author: Bhangad |

If your list of users followed on Instagram is numerous, it is very likely that it will be practically impossible for you to keep up to date with all the publications of each of the members of the platform in which you are interested . Although the algorithms in charge of ordering the social network feed try to show in the first place those images and videos that could be more interesting according to your habits, their operation leaves enough to be desired, and on more than one occasion you can find publications that disappear completely feed despite belonging to users that really interest you.

Fortunately, the application also has tools through which to keep some control over the latest posts uploaded by users. In this guide, we explain how you can activate the notifications of those accounts that you follow, so you don't miss any news .

Don't miss anything from your favorite accounts: so you can activate notifications on Instagram

There are several ways to stay informed about the latest posts from your favorite Instagram users . First of all, it is possible to activate the notifications of the publications that appear directly in the feed, or of the Instagram Stories . Below we see how to perform each procedure step by step:

How to enable post notifications
The main requirement - which is quite obvious - in order to activate the notifications of publishing an account, is to follow that account first . Otherwise, the option to activate notifications will not appear. With this in mind, these are the steps to follow:

Open the Instagram application on your mobile.

Go to the account where you want to enable notifications of posts.

Click on the options menu in the upper right, and click on “Activate publication notifications”.

In this way, every time the account in question publishes a new image or video, you will receive a notification on your mobile so you can access it directly, as quickly as possible.

How to activate Stories notifications - View private instagram profiles

The process to activate Stories notifications is very similar to the previous one, and as in the case of publications, it is necessary to follow the account in order to activate the notices.

Open the Instagram application on your mobile.

Go to the account where you want to enable notifications of posts.

Click on the options menu in the upper right, and click on “Enable story notifications”.

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